A few major steps toward a better health

A few major steps toward a better health

Hi there! For my first post on the blog, I'd like to introduce several basic tips which can help you strengthen your health, day after day. Let's start from that in a very simple fashion. We shall then get to approach more health fundamentals, including both Eastern and Western concepts. Do not hesitate to share your comments with me, so we can build something interesting all together!

1/ Dismiss things which are bad for you such as: refined foods, greasy foods, intoxicants (coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana), chemicals in food and water, synthetic drugs.

2/ Replace all refined, rancid, or chemical foods by better quality ones, such as whole foods, and organic foods, whenever it is possible. By eating refined and synthetic food, you deplete your body from its nutrients: your body actually tries to make them appear complete by using its own good resources. Such an intelligent body!

3/ Boost your health and supplement your deficiencies on a long term basis by eating whole foods, and don't rely on vitamins and supplements, your body learns to become lazy producing those otherwise.

4/ Eat according to your minimum appetite (don't overeat: oldest living people usually eat sparsely). Eat slowly and chew well, as this allows for an optimized absorption of all the nutrients available. Well, why eating all the good things if you don't keep anything out of it! Also, avoiding late eating allows your organs to rest and regenerate.

Have a good start!

Ithaca, Tompkins county

Ithaca, Tompkins county